Sunday 21 January 2018

What emotions do to you.

Emotions have the capability to thrive on a single ray of hope coming through an aperture because they are powered by human overthinking. You will risk everything thinking your emotions are right because they are coming straight from the heart. Trust me, behind any of it, there's nothing more than your delusions. 

That's what unattended emotions do, they make you delusional and leave you feeling stupid. Emotions to the power of 2 - by chance, you have a guilty conscience, good luck keeping up with the surge! Scattered emotions can make you a prisoner of its own design and you are the one to be blamed for.  WHY? Because out of emotions, you might find yourself throwing outlandish parties just to fit in but when no one turns up, you will realize you're better off being a geek. 

The problem is not our emotions. No. The problem is our attachment to them. Our beliefs and labels attached to them. We perceive an end to be a loss because of some misguided notion that loss is bad, we rarely realize it to be an opportunity to change and grow only because we are transfixed by our emotions. We can't let go of what feels comfortable and close. When you're too attached to emotions, you lose touch with reality and your sense of reasoning. 

Finding a balance and a neutrality between the heart and mind is important otherwise you will continue appeasing your emotions by choosing the same pain, again and again, thinking this is how it is supposed to be, this is how it works.

Emotions really don't have to be this difficult.

Think of your mind as an open window or a bright blue sky. Emotions are like the breeze coming through the window that gently stroke you and move on. You don't try to catch hold of the breeze, do you? Emotions are like clouds passing in a bright blue sky. It is important to find that balance to realize that you aren't the clouds but the unlimited sky. Balance to judge when you're clutching tightly to them; when you lose your self-control and confine yourself to the same old pain. You need to stop considering yourself to be a cloud and jump into the uncertainty of the unlimited sky otherwise you will never grow, you will keep going back to the dead and old.

Very few people in the world know that emotions in action are one's thoughts, beliefs and perceptions about the emotions and not the emotions themselves. Confused? Emotions float because they are energy. They come and they go like visitors. But when we give a second thought to it, we build a perception to it and with the math of 15,000 thoughts a day, it's impossible to stop the chain reaction after it. 

Don't trust your emotions until you can clearly see the motivation that drives you to take a step. When you deliberately choose positive emotions over negative ones, you are channelling them in the right direction. Learning to judge what emotions arise in you, how they resurface and finding the root cause of it eventually helps to create a mind map. This doesn't happen overnight, it takes a lot of practice and patience but eventually, you find yourself running wild and free without the unnecessary old baggage or the worries of future.

Emotions hold immense potential when channelled in the right direction. Managed well, they can make you write stories worth inspiring the world. Mind you, they are a potential powerhouse, it depends on how you use them - to destruct your self or to build a new world.

Saturday 1 April 2017

The Pursuit of Simplicity.

Quantum physics reveals that everything that is observed is affected by the observer. Every person creates his or her own reality. The perception of reality is unique to everyone's experience. Simplicity is reality. Therefore, simplicity looks and feels different to each person.

For me, simplicity became the ultimate equation when I took the power of how I felt, in my hands. For a very long time, I lived blindfolded to whatever was happening in my life. Mindfulness made me realise that every thought and action has repercussions in this universe; it comes back to us twofold. It like a boomerang that hits right in the face. 

The pursuit of simplicity is the most complex one. It shakes the ground beneath our feet, it forces us to change our patterns of thinking. We have an attitude to want it all now, to want everything. We are impatient beings looking for instant gratification. We hardly delve deeper into something, we just touch the surface and think we have conquered mountains. We deliberately make our lives hectic by constant abstraction instead of subtraction. A simple thinking mind isn't dull slow or stupid. It is responsive instead of reactive. It considers a longer timeline and wider perspective. Simple thinking is focused and nuanced. It is observant.

Simplicity is acting on what you already know. The clear basics of life. There is no need to clutter your mind with unnecessary information about it. Simplify your relationships with a single motto of giving love. Be compassionate, expect least. Know your self-worth; draw healthy boundaries. Know that, focusing on petty things creates a petty relationship; focusing on core things create a solid relationship.

When you want something you have an option to move towards it. Simplicity is the series of intentional decisions that you make to move towards your dreams and goals. Despite fear and uncertainty, take actions every day that pushes you in the direction you want to be. Consistency creates courage, pulls all your ducks in a row while action creates a simple proof that you are willing to move towards your goal.

The pursuit of simplicity is a unique journey for everyone. It is an ever-changing process. Don't fall trap to the comparison of your life to someone else's. A simple life is what we make for ourselves, one step at a time. 

Take a deep breath, remember your ultimate goal and keep moving forward.

Wednesday 8 March 2017

Fine art of failing.

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. 
The topmost definition in the dictionary for failure is "lack of success". There's an awful lot of emphasis on success. It has always been the hype. We sing songs and hymns on success and often look down upon or frown thinking about our days of failure. Whether we buy the hype or not, we all want to succeed especially when you consider success as getting what you want, the way you want. So, failure by that definition is that it didn't work out the way you wanted it to.

With a lot of discipline, we often create, evaluate, model, and prepare our journey towards success as to how we intend to achieve it. In this process, we mostly get attached to this blueprint of success. Failure is what we usually don't get a lot of preparation for. Since our birth are taught to avoid failures; we are looked down upon if we fail. We never learned to face it with open arms. Perhaps that's why, when things don't turn out the way we want or when the milestones aren't created according to our timelines, we tend to lose our motivation instead of refocusing our vision. 

Failures are the most underrated and negatively interpreted experience. If there is one thing that prepares you for a successful life, it is failures. Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavour. Why we tend to avoid failure is because it is straight down raw. It is hard hitting because it shakes you and gives you a reality check. What failure most importantly teaches you is how to work with the rawness of things, how to deal with the practicality of things. Failure teaches you to learn to take responsibility for your own actions. 

What failures shouldn't bring in is arrogance and ego, instead, it should be considered a human experience to connect genuinely with people. Failures are crucial to life. Because during our blossoming, it never lets us forget our roots. When we are deeply rooted, we are raw, nothing and no one can ever stagnate us. Failing again opens you up to the rawness, it makes you fail better. Failing better means being able to work with failure instead of having a negative self-talk, escaping it, or blaming it on someone else. 

So fail again. Fail better. Give yourself the space to emerge bolder out of that experience.