Saturday, 1 April 2017

The Pursuit of Simplicity.

Quantum physics reveals that everything that is observed is affected by the observer. Every person creates his or her own reality. The perception of reality is unique to everyone's experience. Simplicity is reality. Therefore, simplicity looks and feels different to each person.

For me, simplicity became the ultimate equation when I took the power of how I felt, in my hands. For a very long time, I lived blindfolded to whatever was happening in my life. Mindfulness made me realise that every thought and action has repercussions in this universe; it comes back to us twofold. It like a boomerang that hits right in the face. 

The pursuit of simplicity is the most complex one. It shakes the ground beneath our feet, it forces us to change our patterns of thinking. We have an attitude to want it all now, to want everything. We are impatient beings looking for instant gratification. We hardly delve deeper into something, we just touch the surface and think we have conquered mountains. We deliberately make our lives hectic by constant abstraction instead of subtraction. A simple thinking mind isn't dull slow or stupid. It is responsive instead of reactive. It considers a longer timeline and wider perspective. Simple thinking is focused and nuanced. It is observant.

Simplicity is acting on what you already know. The clear basics of life. There is no need to clutter your mind with unnecessary information about it. Simplify your relationships with a single motto of giving love. Be compassionate, expect least. Know your self-worth; draw healthy boundaries. Know that, focusing on petty things creates a petty relationship; focusing on core things create a solid relationship.

When you want something you have an option to move towards it. Simplicity is the series of intentional decisions that you make to move towards your dreams and goals. Despite fear and uncertainty, take actions every day that pushes you in the direction you want to be. Consistency creates courage, pulls all your ducks in a row while action creates a simple proof that you are willing to move towards your goal.

The pursuit of simplicity is a unique journey for everyone. It is an ever-changing process. Don't fall trap to the comparison of your life to someone else's. A simple life is what we make for ourselves, one step at a time. 

Take a deep breath, remember your ultimate goal and keep moving forward.


  1. Simplicity is reality πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œgreat one!

  2. Looking forward to the next one.

  3. Awesome ! This is really a great idea to follow simplicity and spreading love. As words on the picture of post says "Impression deep inside" this is really what your blogs suggest on this.

    Keep publishing and inspiring us.
