Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Fine art of failing.

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. 
The topmost definition in the dictionary for failure is "lack of success". There's an awful lot of emphasis on success. It has always been the hype. We sing songs and hymns on success and often look down upon or frown thinking about our days of failure. Whether we buy the hype or not, we all want to succeed especially when you consider success as getting what you want, the way you want. So, failure by that definition is that it didn't work out the way you wanted it to.

With a lot of discipline, we often create, evaluate, model, and prepare our journey towards success as to how we intend to achieve it. In this process, we mostly get attached to this blueprint of success. Failure is what we usually don't get a lot of preparation for. Since our birth are taught to avoid failures; we are looked down upon if we fail. We never learned to face it with open arms. Perhaps that's why, when things don't turn out the way we want or when the milestones aren't created according to our timelines, we tend to lose our motivation instead of refocusing our vision. 

Failures are the most underrated and negatively interpreted experience. If there is one thing that prepares you for a successful life, it is failures. Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavour. Why we tend to avoid failure is because it is straight down raw. It is hard hitting because it shakes you and gives you a reality check. What failure most importantly teaches you is how to work with the rawness of things, how to deal with the practicality of things. Failure teaches you to learn to take responsibility for your own actions. 

What failures shouldn't bring in is arrogance and ego, instead, it should be considered a human experience to connect genuinely with people. Failures are crucial to life. Because during our blossoming, it never lets us forget our roots. When we are deeply rooted, we are raw, nothing and no one can ever stagnate us. Failing again opens you up to the rawness, it makes you fail better. Failing better means being able to work with failure instead of having a negative self-talk, escaping it, or blaming it on someone else. 

So fail again. Fail better. Give yourself the space to emerge bolder out of that experience.


  1. - This photo depicts everything.

  2. Failure couldn't be expressed better.

  3. Failure essentially means learning and no way means learning the hard way but learning the right way. Sour is better taste than description.

  4. truly awesome, our life is full of opportunities and failure is the best path to cherish your success without inheriting ego and attitude - failure brings a true taste of sweetness in one's persona.... very well expressed... keep it up
